Schülerpraktikum bei Hansgrohe Du hast noch keinen Plan, was du nach der Schule machen sollst? Jetzt eintauchen: Lerne Hansgrohe bei einem Praktikum kennen.
Schülerpraktikum bei Hansgrohe
BOGY, BORS, OiB, vacation internship

Internships for pupils at Hansgrohe

You don’t yet have plans for what to do after finishing school? Or you have an idea but don’t you know if you’ll really enjoy this career? Then complete a pupils’ internship with us. You can check out what it's like to work at an innovative company, get an orientation and enjoy a great experience. A cool way to find your personal dream career.

Facts about the internship shortly

Possible internship types:
Required school internship such as BOGY, BORS, OiB, etc.
Volunteer internship, e.g. during school vacation
Duration: 1 week
Includes: Free lunch in our canteen
Dates: Flexible
Location: Hansgrohe headquarters in Schiltach and at the location in Offenburg
Application: Online at any time

On your first day, we will welcome you at the Hansgrohe Aquademie, our visitor and training center with a large bathroom exhibition. There, you can preview and try out our fabulous products, such as faucets and showers, in action. After a short introduction with all the important information about your time with us, your contact partner will bring you to the department. During your internship week, you will experience first-hand what it’s like to work with a leading global player in the sanitation industry. You will acquaint yourself with careers, learning first-hand what training you need and why people like to work at Hansgrohe. At the end of your internship, there is a joint plenary session in the Hansgrohe Talentschmiede, our state-of-the-art training center. There, we’ll leave you with additional tips for your career choice. And you will receive a certificate for successfully completing your pupils’ internship.

How school pupils can find the right internship at Hansgrohe

With us, a sample internship is always built around our traineeships and programs of study. That way, you can get to know exactly the things you might want to do later in your career. Why not take a look at our variety of vocational trainings and cooperative studies and then select the internship area that comes closest to your interests. In your application, please indicate the career or area you’d like to explore. Then we can tailor the internship exactly to you.

Got it? Then apply now: Pupils’ internship application

Welche Bereiche kannst du kennenlernen?

Ein Praktikum orientiert sich bei uns immer an unseren Ausbildungsberufen und Studiengängen. Damit du auch genau das kennenlernst, was du vielleicht später beruflich machen willst. Schau dir also am besten unsere Ausbildungsberufe und Dualen Studiengänge an und wähle dann den Bereich für dein Praktikum aus, der deinen Interessen am nächsten kommt. Gib bitte bei deiner Bewerbung an, in welchen Beruf bzw. welchen Bereich du gerne reinschnuppern möchtest. Dann können wir das Praktikum genau auf dich zuschneiden.

So bewirbst du dich bei uns

Für ein Schülerpraktikum kannst du dich jederzeit online bewerben. Zu einer vollständigen Bewerbung gehören folgende Unterlagen:

  1. Anschreiben
  2. Lebenslauf 
  3. letztes Schulzeugnis

Deine Bewerbung für ein Schülerpraktikum wird von unseren Recruitern geprüft. Nach Rücksprache mit deiner Wunschabteilung versuchen wir dir das Schülerpraktikum zu ermöglichen. Für ein Schülerpraktikum führen wir kein Vorstellungsgespräch.

Alles klar? Dann bewirb dich jetzt: Bewerbung Schülerpraktikum

Ergün Gürkan: Former pupil intern at Hansgrohe in Schiltach.

"The internship showed me the way"

"After completing my pupils’ internship at Hansgrohe, I realized: this is where I want to complete a vocational training. My internship gave me insights into Hansgrohe careers and company alike. Meanwhile, I have successfully completed my training as an industrial clerk and can say that it was the right decision. I hope you enjoy your internship!"

Ergün Gürkan, former intern

Your contact for the pupils’ internship

Manuel Kimmig
Junior trainer
Exciting professions
Vocational training
Theory and practice
Cooperative studies
During your training
Your benefits