Vocational training at Hansgrohe

Information for parents

As parents and guardians, you have a major role to play in your child’s choice of career. We’ve prepared this guide to assist you with this task. You’ll learn more about the various possibilities, advantages and opportunities Hansgrohe has to offer. We've also put together all of the important information about the requirements and general conditions for you. 

We want to assist you in your child’s choice of career.

How can I help my child decide on a career?


The important thing is to take your time. Listen to your child: What kinds of things is he or she enthusiastic about? What kinds of things is he or she particularly good at? This often helps point in a rough direction of a possible career path. Help your child gather more information and meet people who work in this field. At a careers fair, for instance. Here, you and your child can personally speak to our trainers and gain a clearer picture of Hansgrohe and the various opportunities we have to offer.

What courses of training and cooperative study does Hansgrohe offer?


Depending on his or her interest, with us your child can embark on a career in the commercial, technical-commercial or IT area. 
You will find the specific vocational training offers here: Training offers
Learn all about our cooperative studies here: Cooperative studies.

What school-leaving certificate is required?

Our trainees require a secondary education exam (Hauptschule), an intermediate-level secondary school education exam or general university entrance qualifications (Abitur). On the other hand, the requirements for all cooperative studies, and for training as an industrial clerk with additional qualification in international business management with foreign languages, are clear: for this, your child will need the general or subject-specific university entrance qualifications, (Abitur or Fachabitur, respectively).

How important are my child’s grades?


We have found that school grades are a reliable criterion for use in preselecting our trainees. For us, though, a candidate’s suitability for vocational training extends far beyond school grades. Because we attach great importance to individual personality. A high level of commitment and special motivation on the part of your child can sometimes be more decisive than grades. Generally speaking, the grades should demonstrate a fit for the disciplines most important to the career, since training or cooperative studies build on this basic knowledge, particularly in the vocational-school/university setting.

Is a pupils’ internship at Hansgrohe possible?


Yes, your child can "explore" our company even while still in school. In principle, all areas in the company in which we also offer vocational training or cooperative studies are eligible for this. You will find further information here: Pupils’ internship at Hansgrohe.

Where does the training take place?


Your child’s multi-faceted vocational training mainly takes place at our headquarters in Schiltach. As do the practical phases of his or her cooperative studies. Depending on the career for which your child is training, now and then he or she may also spend a portion of training in our plants in Offenburg or Alpirsbach. The vocational school or university that your child attends is also located outside Schiltach. You can find out exactly where your child will attend (university) classes during his or her training in the corresponding job posting.

When is the right time to apply?


We start filling training offers roughly a year and a half before training begins. This means that your child should begin thinking early on about the training in which he or she is interested and should apply in the spring for training set to begin the following year.

What information should a solid application contain?


Even if today everything is submitted electronically: For us, a complete application consists, as usual, of a cover letter, the applicant’s resume and his or her two most recent report cards. Please refer to our application tips for detailed information on how your child can score with his or her application.

What kind of support will my child receive during training/the cooperative study?


With us, no one is left on his or her own: our experienced and well-coordinated Hansgrohe training team will assist your child both professionally and in human terms. There are also specially trained contact persons in the specialist departments. These professionals are always available to respond to questions or problems and will assist your child.

How is the training remunerated?


Just like all other employees, trainees are also paid under the terms of the current collective-bargaining agreement of the metal and electrical industry.

What additional benefits are available beyond the salary?

With us, even trainees enjoy an attractive benefits package. There is company tutoring available, for instance, if things don't always run smoothly; there is also a job ticket your child can use to get to the training center free of charge, not to mention a variety of offers for career development. You’ll find more about our employer benefits for apprentices here: About the training.

How good are the chances of being hired on following training?

Our goal is to hire on all trainees who demonstrate active commitment and complete the training with good to very good results. Essentially, then, all doors are open to your child. It is thus up to your child to take advantage of this opportunity.

Exciting professions
Vocational training
Theory and practice
Cooperative studies
Test the water
Pupils’ internship