
Hansgrohe Factory Standards and Forms

Clear standards are elementary for Hansgrohe, ensuring that our products are top quality. For our suppliers, these standards are key to working with us. We test whether their materials and production meet our strict criteria in a careful first sampling.

First sample report based on Hansgrohe factory standards.
We ensure that suppliers’ materials meet our standards (Copyright: Jehle / Will OHG for AXOR / Hansgrohe SE)

Hansgrohe factory standards

The Hansgrohe factory standards define all the requirements and specifications that our materials and components must fulfill. We constantly ensure that our standards comply with all national and international laws and regulations, and therefore update them on an ongoing basis. We regularly adapt new regulations and technical modifications.

The factory standards are mandatory for all of our suppliers. Naturally, we make our standards available to our suppliers at all times. We attach special importance to our standard for environmentally friendly products and ingredients. It is also very important to us that all materials comply with the European chemicals regulation REACH. You can download these documents and an overview of the currently valid factory standards on this page.


  • Overview of our current factory standards

    PDF, 190 KB
  • Factory standard HG 783: Environmentally friendly products – constituent substances

    PDF, 393 KB
  • REACH declaration of conformity

    PDF, 118 KB

First sampling at Hansgrohe

In the so-called first sample inspection, we determine whether the production conditions and the quality standards of a new supplier meet Hansgrohe’s requirements. This inspection is mandatory for all of our suppliers. They must conduct the first sampling for all newly produced materials before they deliver them to us. With this inspection, we can confirm to the supplier that the manufactured materials meet all requirements and specifications.

Of course, we support our supply partners in the first sampling. Download detailed guidelines and further templates for the first sample report directly, here on this page.


Determining measurement data

In order to objectively evaluate the results of the first sample inspections and supplier offers, all measurement results must be comparable and transparent. It is therefore our goal to standardize the measurement methods of Hansgrohe, suppliers, and measurement service providers according to clear standards. For this reason, we have developed a set of instructions for the determination of measurement data. They are binding for all suppliers and apply to all measured values for which no separate agreements have been made.


Here’s how to become our supplier