We are committed

People Who Work at Hansgrohe Take Responsibility

Hansgrohe employees are happy to take responsibility – for each other, for society and for the environment. Our commitment is reflected in our day-to-day work through comprehensive health protection, occupational safety and our appreciative corporate culture. We take responsibility for society by acting in solidarity. We help as much as we can with donations and personal commitment. For the environment, we are actively involved in nature conservation activities, whether at sea or on land.

At Hansgrohe, we see ourselves as a team, as part of society and as part of our environment. We help each other and protect what surrounds us.

From People for People: Hansgrohe Takes Responsibility for its Employees

Around the world, our employees ensure the success of our company with their commitment and know-how. As an employer, the Hansgrohe Group assumes responsibility for each and every one of them.

Occupational Safety and Health Protection at Hansgrohe

To create safe and ergonomic working conditions for our employees, we have every workplace carefully analyzed by safety experts. To ensure occupational safety, we use modern technologies. We continuously sensitize all employees to the topic of safety and offer them preventive health care programs.

We systematically record sources and situations of danger in our production facilities, as well as in the administrative areas. In this way we prevent accidents and endanger the health of our employees. We transfer safety improvements that have proved successful at one site to the entire production network. Creating a working environment that maintains the long-term health and performance of our employees – that is our goal.

Our Work Environment: It's the Teamwork That Counts

For us, a good working environment is not just about health and safety. It takes more than that to make people happy and enjoy going to work every day. It takes good teamwork. Find out here how we work together at Hansgrohe. So much for now: Mobile working and part-time work are a given for us.

Lifelong Learning: Our Company as a Campus

We strengthen the innovative power of our company by specifically promoting the creativity of our employees. We invest in the competence of our workforce with individual personnel development and continuing education. The know-how they develop and their wealth of experience are shared with all colleagues within our organization.

At the same time, we are researching and working on new products, materials and manufacturing processes that make the most efficient use of existing resources. In this way, we are already laying the foundations for future innovations and a sustainable future.

Hansgrohe – A Learning Organization
Our approach to training
With and for one another
How we work together

From People for People: Hansgrohe Stands Up for Society

As a company, we are part of society. It is therefore understood that we also take responsibility for people outside of Hansgrohe. Following our values, we are committed to peaceful coexistence. A coexistence based on solidarity, tolerance and diversity. We try to live up to our social responsibility in a variety of ways.

Helping People in Need with Donations

Especially in uncertain, crisis-ridden times, social cohesion is incredibly important. At Hansgrohe, we help as much as we can. In July 2021, extreme rainfall led to a flood disaster in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. We immediately collected donations. As a result, nearly 320,000 EUR were raised through donated working hours and vacation days from our German employees. The company doubled this amount.

Other places in the world are experiencing the opposite extreme weather: droughts. Hansgrohe, for example, is supporting the WellBoring project with donations. The British NGO builds and refurbishes drinking water wells in Kenya. The aim is to give people in the extremely dry region access to sufficient, clean water.

The Hansgrohe Group donated a total of 900,000 EUR for the people in Ukraine. Here, too, employees contributed around half of the sum through donated working hours and vacation days. The company added to this amount.

Supporting Local People Through Volunteering

Social commitment is also a tradition among the young talents in the Hansgrohe Group: every year, the newly added apprentices and dual students take on an honorary position. Whether day care, accompanied excursions or help with meals: They volunteer for social projects and plan their own tasks. The junior staff get involved in:

  • Recreational clubs for people with learning disabilities,
  • Day care centers for the elderly,
  • children's homes,
  • life-support facilities
  • foundations for the disabled and
  • in the Caritas Association Kinzigtal, our home region.

The young people consistently give positive feedback. This shows how important the common good is to them in addition to their career start and because they realize how much their support is needed.

From People for the Environment: Hansgrohe is committed to Nature Conservation

The roots of our company lie in the Black Forest. Surrounded by meadows, rivers, mountains and forests, a strong awareness of an intact environment has grown at Hansgrohe over the decades. That is why we are committed to nature conservation and do this in the most diverse ways.

Protection of the Forest

In 2014, parts of the northern Black Forest became a national park. "Letting nature be nature" is how those responsible define their primary goal. The protection of species and biotopes is the top priority. With the visitor center, important educational work is also done around the environment, wildlife and biodiversity.

The Hansgrohe Group has been an official partner of the national park since 2021. We are passionate about taking responsibility for this important landscape project.

Protection of Rivers and Water

Clean rivers are like the lifelines of a continent, of a region: "A clean Danube is important for Europe," says Andreas Fath. We at Hansgrohe think so too, and so we sponsor the chemistry professor in his environmental campaigns, such as CleanDanube. We couldn't have found a better water ambassador for our company.

We Help Fish and Clean Up the Banks of the Kinzig

The Danube is important for Europe, the Kinzig is important for our home region. Our headquarters in Schiltach are located on the banks of the Kinzig. This river is also an ecosystem that needs to be protected.

After all, it is not only people who depend on clean rivers. Unpolluted waters are essential for the survival of aquatic life in particular – such as the formerly native salmon. We are committed to the re-introduction of these fascinating migratory fish in the Black Forest. Every year, the society Wanderfische Baden-Württemberg e.V. initiates a salmon stocking campaign in the Kinzig River, which Hansgrohe supports. And indeed: the salmon are coming back.

There is also habitat to protect besides the water: the river banks. Every year, Hansgrohe employees clean up the banks of the Kinzig River outside our factory gates. During KinzigCleanUp!, inspired by RhineCleanUp, we collect everything that doesn't belong there.

Hansgrohe Group
Our company history
For People and the Environment
Company Management and Sustainability Strategy